Theme videolife is a website interface template made for sharing videos from YouTube conveniently and quickly. The main purpose is to increase the number of views to increase income from Google Adsense for those who are making money from YouTube.

Below, KhoTemplate will help you learn about the outstanding features and share with you this theme model completely free.

Outstanding features of videolife wordpress theme

Designing with dark colors as the main color helps the website have more depth to attract viewers when accessing it. There is a vertical menu bar that allows users to easily navigate the website to the video category they want to watch, such as music, movies, television, etc.

Theme VideoLife WordPress
Theme VideoLife WordPress

New videos will be pushed up and divided into a grid of 5 main posts first, followed by older videos divided into four horizontal columns. These videos will have a thumbnail and video name along with the number of videos viewed.

The video player taken from YouTube looks beautiful and doesn’t weigh down your website. It’s very convenient when posting, just paste the video link and you’re done without having to re-upload it to your hosting.

Subpage layout
Subpage layout

Incorporating a slidebar on the right allows you to quickly place advertising banners or featured articles in the widget section easily. Of particular concern is the issue of completely optimized SEO to help articles reach the top more easily according to the keywords you use.

Download videolife wordpress theme for free

The videolife theme is sold by the developer at a price of $49 for the full-featured version and without footer copyright. This price will be quite high if you are new to making money from the internet. I bought the full version and gave it to you completely free.

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